We define the First Generation Cat Litter Box as the manual box, it is just a plastic box can container litter inside.
The Second Generation Cat Litter Box which equipped a drum wheel inside its shell. It can rotate its drum inside and let the litter stored in the bottom slip over the slope till reach the opening of trash can. The advantage of this type of smart litter is that both the structure and work theory are easy to be implemented at lower cost. The disadvantage of this type box is that as the poop mixed litter goes rolling inside the drum, the wet poop`s will contaminate the interior wall of drum and left unpleasant trace and smell. and they cannot refill litter to its litter bed when the litter drops to insufficient.
RealScooper is the Third Generation Smart Litter House, it provides spacious interior space enough for 30 LBS cat doing their business inside comfortably. And equipped most advanced technology formed by 5 modulus of Automatical functions: Auto self-cleaning, Auto self-refilling, Auto ozone deodorizing, Auto UVC sterilizing, Auto safe protection. Its rake scoops poop efficiently like a man, scoop only clumped litter with poop, no waste of litter, and as the litter bed thickness drop, it will automatically refresh with new litter.
What's the differences between the Generation II smart litter box and this Generation III RealScooper?